Has your 2020 vision become blurry?

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Welcome to the 2nd half of 2020. And what a year it has been so far.

Many people and clients I have spoken to have admitted to losing the clarity around their 2020 goals due to a number of outside influences, particularly Covid-19. They are not unique to this as I know my goals for 2020 have changed from what they were prior to the start of the year.

However, whilst outside influences certainly affect our plans only you control your life. You are responsible for the way you feel about yourself, you are responsible for how you treat and act with others and you are responsible for what food and drink you put in your mouth. If your 2020 vision has become blurry it could well be that all you have done is lose focus on the goals you were striving for. Some of them may not be possible now, for example you were chasing a promotion at your company but the pandemic forced it to make job cuts or reduced headcount but that doesn;t mean you can’t look for the next career challenge by looking for other roles or indeed following the dream of starting your own business. All you need to do is put another pair of glasses on and make either the goal clear again or focus on a new goal.

There are still 6 months left of 2020 and whilst the 2nd half of the year may still be a tough one to navigate, creating or revising your goals to be clear about what you want to achieve by the time the New Year fireworks explode on Dec 31st 2020 is critical.

If you are struggling to determine which glasses to put on to get 2020 vision again then the following may help.

The main things to focus on are what I call PRICES whilst others may call it something else or similar.

I use the term PRICES because I believe we all pay the price if we don’t put effort into all of them throughout our life. You can read about these here.

Ideally you want to work on all of these areas of your life and some of them are interlinked by their very nature, so cast your mind back to your original goals for 2020 and see where they would fit in the PRICES model. Then refocus them based on your current situation and how and where you want to move them to by the end of 2020 so you set up 2021 to be your best year yet.

Nick Merry

Nick is a certified coach who believes in uncovering the gold in both people and businesses. Nick has specialised in organising motivational loyalty marketing campaigns and high-end incentive events for over 20 years.


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